Media Policy
The Citadel welcomes members of the media to its property. We ask that all media receive prior permission by contacting the management office at which point credentials will be issued. All members of the media party will wear a media badge at all times while on property. Please follow these procedures when visiting The Citadel or our retailers:
1. For information, interviews, access to photograph or film on property: during office hours, please call the marketing office at (719) 591‑2900 x104 Monday through Friday 9 am to 5 pm, and ask to speak with Jill Lais our Marketing Director. After 5 pm daily and on weekends you may contact our Security Office by calling (719) 492‑1858. The security supervisor will reach the manager on duty to respond to your call.
2. Please always call in advance to gain access to the property. We require that working members of the news media be escorted by a staff member while on assignment at our property. Once granted access media representatives must check-in at the Mall Office, located on the upper level, at the end of the hallway near JC Penney.
3. Approval to interview our guests must be granted in advance. Requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Again, please call the marketing office in advance of your arrival for clearance.
4. If you are looking for in-store interviews or to photograph storefronts, please contact the marketing office. Individual store permission must be obtained in advance of your arrival. With advance notice, we can often assist you in gaining access. Thank you and we look forward to working with you!
Contact: Jill Lais, Marketing Director
The Citadel
750 Citadel Drive East Colorado Springs, CO 80909
(719) 591‑2900 ext. 104